PMP Certification Training Course

The most comprehensive PMP® Certification Training Course for Guaranteed Exam Success

  • Ace your PMP® exam in the very first go with a learning path that ensures success 
  • Prepare to clear your exam with utmost confidence with our assured, tried, and tested program
  • Training aligned to the latest PMP Certification Exam Content Outline 
Enterprise Training for Teams: Get a Quote
  • 450,000 + Professionals trained
  • 250 + Workshops every month
  • 100 + Countries and counting

The Sure-Shot Way to Add ‘PMP’ to Your Title

Have you been wondering where to get started with your PMP exam preparation and whether you’ll have sufficient time to prepare alongside your full-time job? Wouldn’t it be good to have experts you can reach out to regularly to clear any doubts you may have? Are you struggling to get hold of the right kind of learning material that will help you crack the PMP exam right in the first attempt?

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PMP Training Highlights

100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • 35 Contact Hours with Live, Instructor-Led Sessions

  • 24 Contact Hours On-Demand Course by Experts

  • Mentor-Led Guaranteed Exam Pass Study Plan

  • Hands-On Practice with a Question Bank of 2000+

  • Unlimited Attempts to 5 Mock Tests

  • 5 Full-Length Exam Simulations

  • Rejoin Refresher Courses with 180-Day Grand Pass

  • Regular Doubt-Clearing Sessions 

  • PMP Exam Application Assistance

  • Comprehensive Exam Prep Support

  • Golden Ticket of 180 Questions, directly from PMI

  • Comprehensive Career Support with Job Boost 360

Kevin Davis

PMP Program Director

Kevin Davis
Principal PM Consultant, The Davis Group of Atlanta, LLC

Kevin is a globally renowned project management expert and has trained thousands of students across domains including professionals in the US military. He brings on board over two decades of rich project management experience.

Kevin Davis
Kevin Davis
Principal PM Consultant, The Davis Group of Atlanta, LLC

Kevin is a globally renowned project management expert and has trained thousands of students across domains including professionals in the US military. He brings on board over two decades of rich project management experience.

“At KnowledgeHut, we're excited about cultivating the next generation of project professionals, empowering them to drive transformation.”

Why should you go for the PMP certification?

benefits of PMP® Certification

The profession of project management has recently become one of the hottest jobs, not only in the tech market, but across industries. Demand for project managers is growing faster than demand for workers in other occupations and by 2027, 90 million individuals will need to be skilled in project-oriented roles.

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The KnowledgeHut Edge


PMP Exam Preparation package designed to ensure success in passing your PMP exam the very first time. 

Detailed Study Guide

Get a step-by-step guide with clarity on daily study goals with expert help all along the way. 


Weekly mentor guidance to ensure that you’re continuously improving in speed, accuracy, concepts. 

Exam Application Assistance

Get expert guidance on PMI registration, membership, review, and submission of your exam application. 

180-Day Grand Pass

Rejoin any of our refresher courses and brush up on the great work done so far for guaranteed success! 

Flexible Learning Options

Need more flexibility with your learning times? Get tried-and-tested training, live or on your schedule. 

Your Path to Guaranteed PMP Exam Success

Passing the PMP exam is the key to getting your PMP certification and accelerating your project management career. What you need to crack the PMP exam in the very first go is a tried and tested learning path, curated by experts and designed to walk you through the exact steps you need to take to ensure success.

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pmp certification
prerequisites for PMP® Certification

Prerequisites for PMP certification training

  • There are no prerequisites to attend the PMP certification training.
  • There are very specific eligibility requirements concerning educational background (diploma, degree, master's or global equivalent), project management experience and project management education to qualify for the PMP exam. More information in FAQs.

What You Will Learn in the PMI PMP Certification Course

Team building

Define team ground rules, build a shared understanding, engage, and support virtual teams, and more.

Negotiating project agreements

Learn how to empower team members and stakeholders by negotiating project agreements.

Managing conflict

Learn how to manage compliances and achieve project benefits and value using PMP methodologies.

Choosing the right project methodology

Learn how to choose the best approach for project completion, and to plan and manage the scope, budget, and resources.

Managing risks

Learn how to manage and plan scope, analyze and manage risk, and more.

Project Governance

Learn how to handle project changes, choose the right project methods and practices, set project governance, and more.

Delivering Business Value

Learn how to manage communications and risks, engage stakeholders while executing projects with the required urgency.

Managing Compliances

Learn to manage compliances and deliver project benefits and value using PMP methodologies.

Continuous Process Improvement

Assess and respond to changes in the internal and external business environment to implement continuous process improvement.

Project Continuity

Manage project challenges and adjustments, as well as knowledge transfer, to guarantee project success.

Emotional Intelligence

Learn how to keep the team on track by managing conflicts, collaborating with stakeholders, and prioritise performance.

Business Analysis

Learn how to assess changes in the company and environment in order to help organisations evolve and improve.

Who Should Attend the PMP Course Online?

Mid-Level, Senior Project Managers

Project Coordinators

Project Analysts

Project Leaders

Product Managers

Program Managers

Project Sponsors

Team Leaders

Professionals interested in building project management skills

Skills You'll Gain with the PMP Training Online


Time management


Team building

Conflict resolution




Risk management


Leading change

Customer service

Operations management

Project communications

Project risk assessment

Budget planning

Project governance

Transform Your Workforce

Build High-Performance Project Management Teams

Whether you want to grow your company or compete more effectively, project management is a must-have skill. Improve the productivity and effectiveness of your project teams and your entire organization.

  • Train your project teams on best practices across industries.
  • Align skill development with your business objectives.
  • Leverage KnowledgeHut's Immersive Learning approach.
  • Get in touch for customized PMP corporate training programs.

500+ Clients

PMP Certification Course Syllabus

Download Curriculum

Learning Objectives:

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Agile/Scrum Framework, Project Management Framework, and Fundamentals through our course. Dive into the PMP Process Groups and explore the revised PMP Exam Content Outline.

This module in our PMP curriculum also includes a lesson on Business Environment, which covers the essential concepts and business areas that are crucial to grasp before embarking on a project. It aligns with the "Business Environment" domain in the Exam Content Outline and supports learning in the "Business Acumen" aspect of the PMI Talent Triangle.


Agile/Traditional Project Management Foundations 

  • Agile/Scrum Framework - From Agile Practice Guide 
  • Introduction to Project Management Fundamentals 
  • Project Management Framework 
  • Summary 
  • Assessment 

 Business Environment 

  • Aligning with Organizational Trends and Global Strategy 
  • Project benefits and business value 
  • Organizational Culture and Change Management 
  • Project Governance 
  • Project Compliance 
  • Summary 
  • Assessment 

Learning Objectives:

In this module, you will learn to define and discuss stakeholders and the most effective ways to communicate with them, explain the best ways to form a team, describe how to build the most effective understanding of a project and how doing so relates to executing a project successfully and explain how predictive and adaptive project life cycles work; explain what a hybrid development approach is. 

  • Identify and Engage Stakeholders 
  • Form the Team 
  • Build a Shared Understanding of the Project 
  • Project Approach 
  • Summary 
  • Assessment 

Learning Objectives:

In this module, you will learn about various aspects of project management, such as the significance of a project management plan and its role in ensuring project success. You will also be exploring scope planning in both predictive and adaptive projects, along with schedule planning and resource allocation considerations. This module also covers budgeting structures, risk management strategies, and the importance of quality in project outcomes.

In addition, you would also learn to integrate project management plans and tailor a change management approach. This will help you deliver on pre-defined project outcomes while being mindful of business objectives and ensuring that stakeholder expectations are met. 

  • Project Planning 
  • Scope and Schedule Management 
  • Cost and Quality Management 
  • Resource 
  • Procurement Management 
  • Integration 
  • Summary 
  • Assessment 

Learning Objectives:

Develop leadership skills and explore the guidelines behind it including discussions on leadership styles and the key components in a blended setting. This module also delves into artefacts and their strategic use in project management. Learn about empowered teams, their characteristics, and core functions.

Additionally, get to know more about strategies and forms of communication for seamless collaboration including the emphasis on training, coaching, and mentoring in team development. Lastly, understand conflict management, including the causes, levels, and potential outcomes of conflicts. With this knowledge and tools, you can excel as a leader. 

  • Craft Your Leadership Skills 
  • Create a Collaborative Project Team Environment 
  • Empower the Team 
  • Support Team Member Performance 
  • Communicate and Collaborate with Stakeholders 
  • Training, Coaching and Mentoring 
  • Manage Conflicts 
  • Summary 
  • Assessment 

Learning Objectives:

Explore different methods for implementing improvement in this module. Gain an understanding of various performance measurement approaches and compare these approaches with an emphasis on communication and accountability. In addition, identify various project implementation strategies and address any impediments that may arise. 

Finally, learn about various implementation methods used during a project. Gain practical knowledge and valuable insights to improve your project management skills and drive outcomes successfully. 

  • Implement On-Going Improvements 
  • Support Performance 
  • Evaluate Project Progress 
  • Manage Issues and Impediments 
  • Manage Changes 

Learning Objectives:

In this module, you will learn to define the reasons and activities related to the closure of a phase or a project, explain the benefits gained from a project or phase, and how they are managed, sustained, examine the reasons for knowledge transfers and how they relate to the closure of a phase or project.

  • Project / Phase Closure 
  • Benefits Realization 
  • Knowledge Transfer 
  • Summary 
  • Assessment 

PMP Course Reviews

Ammar Iqbal IT Project Manager
I would like to thank Kevin D.Davis PMP, PMI-ACP , Disciplined Agile Scrum Master,CSM for the initial bootcamp, your motivation and for answering my phone with clarifying questions for almost a year. I truly appreciate it! You said your students can reach you whenever they want, and you kept your word.

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in November 2022

Rahul Korlipara Product Lead
Thank you for the incredibly comprehensive class. I believe I have everything I need and have put together a study plan to take the exam in mid Jan.

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in November 2022

Nicanor Oguname IT & Cyber Security Consultant
Hi Kevin, thank you very much for all the useful study materials. I’m going to try and sort them out and get started with the exam preparation next week. I’m really grateful for the coaching and mentorship. You really demystified PMP certification for us and I wished I had taken this course with you years back. I’ll touch base with you regularly and beyond on this PMP certification journey.

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in November 2022

John L. Davidson Senior Faculty
2023 is off to a great start. I’m very excited to share that I passed my PMP exam over the weekend! The above target overall result was the cherry on top. This is a major milestone that I set my sights on in the fall and it feels so good to be on this side of it. After zeroing in on key concepts and following a rigorous 2-month study schedule, I felt as ready as I could be. I also want to thank Kevin D. Davis for his project management insight.

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in November 2022

Binu Kumar Sr. Delivery manager
It was a good course to understand and apply our skills. I was instructed in how to invest ourselves into becoming an effective and empathetic project management professional. 

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in February 2022

Ramya Shivaram Senior Manager - Operations

This course was very informative, a must for all managers. It helped me understand the inner workings of a well managed organization. The course was comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructor was very clear on the information he was sharing and was very motivating. Thank you for this great course!

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in January 2022

Jo Wee Yeap Manager
Comprehensive course and helpful tips for the exams. Would recommend the course to other participants

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in November 2021

Sudipta Mitra Sr.Associate
I enjoyed the training by Sunil. He has nice experience and trained us with very care. Sunil is very helpful on all queries.

Attended PMP® Certification workshop in November 2021

PMP Certification FAQs

PMP Certification

The Project Management Institute (PMI®) offers the PMP®, or Project Management Professional certification for project managers. The most coveted and widely recognized professional qualification for project management is called Project Management Professional certification which is the gold standard in project management. 

Here are some benefits of getting PMP certified

  • It enhances the worth and authority of your resume and offers industry recognition
  • It helps you earn PDUs that help fulfil Continuous Credential Requirements or CCRs
  • It aids in learning and skill development
  • It enables you to earn a greater potential salary as a project manager
  • It offers chances to network and builds significant relationships
  • It validates your efforts and gives you a chance to show how dedicated you are 

The best way to achieve the PMP certification is by getting trained by an industry expert and following a meticulously structured approach to exam prep. With KnowledgeHut, you have a tried and tested learning path that's guaranteed for PMP Exam success. Follow the learning path and study plan and prepare to pass your exam on the first attempt with the utmost confidence.

The entire content ranging from the on-demand PMP course by an industry expert, to the 5-week mentor-led study plan and the full-length simulator exams and PMP mock tests for practice have been developed thoroughly by KnowledgeHut experts in collaboration with industry veterans over the past decade factoring in feedback from the several thousands of workshops carried out to date. 

Your Path to PMP Exam Success with KnowledgeHut: 

  1. LEARN through Instructor-Led or Self-Paced Learning. Earn 35 PDUs. 
  2. STUDY with our Guaranteed PMP Exam Pass Study Plan, curated by our Program Director, Kevin Davis. This tried and tested study plan is mentor-led. Apply for your PMP exam only once your mentor is confident about your ability to attend and ace the exam. 
  3. PRACTICE with a Premium Question Bank of Over 2000+ Questions. 
  4. ASSESS yourself with unlimited attempts to 5 Mock Exams. Make the best of 5 mock test papers with unlimited access. 
  5. GET EXAM-READY with 5 Full-Length PMP Exam Simulations. 
  6. TAKE THE EXAM and ace it in the Very First Go! Congrats! You're now an in-demand PMP-certified professional!

If you're looking for step-wise instructions on how to apply to PMI for the PMP certification, all you need to do is follow the below 6-step process

  • Step 1: Register yourself at the official PMI website and submit the credentials for your profile.
  • Step 2: Attend the PMP certification training for 35 Hours by an Authorized Training Partner of PMI.
  • Step 3: While this step is an option, we recommend that you consider this. It is to Apply for PMI membership and avail special discounts while scheduling the exams.
  • Step 4: Within 90 days’ time of registration, fill out the online application and submit it. It normally takes 4-5 days for PMI to accept the application, for which you will get an intimation.
  • Step 5: You can pay the fees after the online application is accepted, and you can then move on to the final step.
  • Step 6: Once you and your KnowledgeHut mentor are fully confident of your PMP exam readiness, you can go ahead and schedule the exam at your nearest test center.

To be eligible for PMP certification, you will need to ensure that you meet any one of the following set of requirements:

Criteria 1:

  • 4-year degree
  • 36 months of experience leading projects within the past 8 years
  • 35 contact hours of project management education or training


Criteria 2:

  • High-school Diploma or Associates Degree
  • 60 months of experience leading projects within the past 8 years
  • 35 contact hours of project management education or training

The cost structure of PMP certification is aligned in the table below:

Membership Status
Computer-based test Cost ($)
Paper-based test Cost ($)
PMI Members
Non-PMI Members

The path to PMP certification:

  • Confirm your eligibility to take the PMP exam 
  • Undertake 35 hours of training from a Registered Education Provider of PMI®. 
  • Apply for and schedule the PMP® exam. 
  • Pay the cost of the exam, which is $405 for PMI members and $555 for non-members. 
  • Make a study plan, study the PMBOK® Guide, and other resources. 
  • Ace the exam and become a Certified Project Management Professional. 

Flaunt your PMP title and establish yourself as a globally recognized project manager.

Once you pass the PMP exam, a congratulatory mail will be sent to you by the PMI saying that you will get your PMP certification within 4-6 weeks at your physical address that you mentioned in the PMI application form.

You can renew your PMP certification by following these 3 simple steps: 

Step 1: Earn 60 PDUs every 3 years 

Step 2: Enter PDUs in the CCR system 

Step 3: Make the renewal payment 

In 2023, whether getting a PMP certification is worth it or not depends on several factors. This certification demonstrates your expertise in managing projects. It can boost your chances of finding a job and being selected easily during the hiring process. Moreover, it can make it easier to work on projects in different countries. By getting certified, you also get an opportunity to improve your communication and leadership skills, which can make you stand out to employers. However, it's crucial to consider your career goals and the current job market requirements to determine if it's a worthwhile investment for you.

Access to high-quality, PMI-approved training content ensures you receive the most up-to-date information aligned with the PMP Examination Content Outline. ATPs provide instruction from PMI-approved and -vetted instructors who are experienced project managers. They offer guidance and support, helping you succeed. ATPs also facilitate networking with other project managers, allowing you to learn from their experiences. With convenient delivery formats such as online, in-person, and blended learning, ATPs offer flexibility to choose the format that suits your needs. This comprehensive approach, combining content, instruction, networking, and delivery options, makes ATPs an excellent choice for aspiring project managers. This is why it’s always a good idea to enroll for a PMP Course offered by an institute that’s also a PMI-ATP.

Upon successful completion of the PMP course, you will be awarded two certificates. First, you will receive a course completion certificate, which signifies that you have finished the training and acquired the necessary knowledge and skills in project management. Second, you will receive a 35-hour PDU (Professional Development Unit) certificate. This certificate acknowledges that you have completed 35 hours of training, a requirement set by PMI (Project Management Institute) to be eligible for the PMP Exam. These certificates validate your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to professional development in project management. Any reputed PMP Training provider should be able to provide you these certificates. 

PMP Training

KnowledgeHut's PMP certification training is one of the best PMP training programs out there, because it is the most comprehensive training package to prepare you for your PMP exam. You can be certain to clear your exam on the first attempt with KnowledgeHut. Here are just a few aspects that influence this:

  • Stellar group of experienced and accredited instructors with extensive project management expertise
  • PMP Training designed to comply with PMI guidelines and aligned to the latest PMI Exam Content Outline 
  • Guaranteed PMP Exam Pass Study Plan, curated by Program Director, Kevin Davis 
  • Premium Question Bank of Over 2000+ Questions 
  • 5 Mock Exams with unlimited access 
  • 5 Full-Length PMP Exam Simulations 

The PMP certification is a testament to an individual's ability and knowledge in the field of project management. Since getting the PMP certification is challenging, many candidates sign up for a PMP prep course to help them become ready. Although obtaining the certification can be expensive, the long-term benefits make it worthwhile. For people interested in a career in project management, the PMP is a reputable and necessary credential.

A Project Management certificate from PMI immediately boosts your CV and helps you accelerate your career growth. To become a PMI certified Project Management professional, you need intensive training. It is of utmost importance to find the right training provider. There are lots of online PMP training courses, but you should only settle for a training provider which is an Authorized Training Partner of PMI just like KnowledgeHut.

That’s because a training provider needs to meet rigorous quality standards to become a PMI Authorized Training Partner

After completing the PMP course, you will be eligible to take the PMP exam provided that it meets the other requirements as well. On passing the PMP exam, you will be able to get the PMP designation which is the most valued credential for a project manager. The course also takes you through the latest project management techniques and concepts as approved by PMI.

The online training for the PMP Training Course teaches you important project management terms, concepts, and best practices. It helps you use these skills in real-life situations for successful outcomes. Topics covered include communication, risk management, budgeting, scheduling, and more. You'll also learn how to lead, motivate your team, and pass the PMP® certification exam. The course aims to help you understand and apply project management concepts, use global standards effectively, find practical solutions, communicate well with stakeholders, manage project costs and time, motivate your team, and successfully pass the PMP® certification exam on your first try.

PMP Exam Preparation

Preparing for the PMP requires hard work and dedication. There are five best practices you can consider for Your PMP® Exam preparation, including taking up formal training from a Registered Education Provider (R.E.P) of PMI, often considered the best PMP training available. Review the PMP® Examination Content Outline, have a great study plan, review the latest edition of the PMBOK® Guide, and practice mock exams.

There is no uniform prescribed time to prepare for the PMP exam. Typically, the time varies from a few weeks to a few months depending on your existing expertise and experience regarding project management. Enrolling in a comprehensive PMP course can also significantly impact your preparation timeline and ensure you cover all the necessary topics effectively.

A thorough understanding of the PMBOK Guide is necessary to prepare well for the PMP exam. Apart from this, you can refer to self-help books like the “PMP Exam Prep Book- Tenth Edition by Rita Mulcahy” to give you a wider perspective on project management. Additionally, considering a reputable PMP course can complement your study materials and provide valuable guidance in your exam preparation journey. 

Practicing mock exams is essential for passing the PMP exam. Participating in as many mock exams as possible is the best way to prepare for the PMP exam. KnowledgeHut offers 5 mock tests and 2000+ practice questions, making it a top choice for comprehensive PMP training and exam preparation, ensuring you approach the PMP exam with confidence.

The PMP exam in its new format contains 180 questions. The questions are based on the three domains of People, Process, and Business Environment. You will need to answer this in the allotted 230 minutes. If you are writing the exam online, you get to take one 10-minute break. There is no break if you attend the exam physically. The questions will be a combination of multiple choice, multiple responses, matching, hot area, and fill-in-the-blanks. 

Apart from assessing a candidate's knowledge of project management principles, the PMP exam updates also evaluate their understanding of real-world implementation. For successful preparation and certification, keeping up with the latest PMP examination pattern, including the new question formats and domains, is essential. Enrolling in a reputable PMP training program can help you navigate these changes and be well-prepared for the updated exam format.

KnowledgeHut's PMP course and training material is the best available resource to help you ace your PMP exam in the very first attempt. Not only does it cover the exam syllabus comprehensively, but it also provides useful practice opportunities, making it a great choice for PMP aspirants.

However, simply taking a PMP certification training course won't be enough if you don't put in the time and effort to study and practice. Factors like course quality, your project management experience, study habits, and commitment affect how effective the course is. To prepare well for the exam, start studying early, meticulously follow the step-by-step study plan, reach out to your mentor whenever you get stuck, solve mock tests and go through simulation exams, practise PMP-style questions. With dedication, you can pass the exam and earn your Certification.

There are different options available for PMP exam preparation. The Project Management Institute (PMI), universities, colleges, and private companies offer courses. When choosing a course, consider your learning style and budget. Some courses are more comprehensive and affordable than others. Make sure the course aligns with the latest PMI standards. Knowledgehut offers a PMP Certification Training course for PMP credentialed project managers. The course is designed to help you prepare for the PMP exam and is aligned with the latest PMI standards. It's important to choose a course that suits your learning style, and Knowledgehut's PMP Certification Training is a great option to consider.  

If you're interested in knowing more about our training program for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, we offer different ways for you to connect with us. To receive a response immediately, you can engage in a chat with our support team by simply saying 'hello.' They'll promptly respond within a minute. Alternatively, you can also choose to contact them through email at or You can also choose to fill out a query form or request a callback and our dedicated team will be readily available to help you out and provide any additional information you ask for regarding our PMP training program. Feel free to use any of these channels to connect with us, and we'll ensure your learning journey is smooth.

At KnowledgeHut, we're here to help you prepare for the PMP certification exam. Our team of experts is dedicated to guiding you through the application process, making sure you meet all the requirements. We provide valuable tips and strategies to increase your chances of passing the PMP exam. Our resources include a comprehensive training course, practice exams, study materials, and a supportive community of PMP professionals. By using our services, you greatly enhance your chances of success in both the application process and the exam itself. These factors are what sets us apart from any other PMP certification course that you may encounter, online or otherwise. We're also delighted to offer a consultation that carefully assesses your eligibility, reviews your application, helps with its submission and tracking, and provides support throughout your journey.

In case you suspect an error in your PMP certification exam results, there is a provision to request a re-evaluation. To initiate this process, you need to compose a letter addressed to the PMI Certification Department. In the letter, kindly include your name, PMI ID, and exam score. Elaborate on the reasons behind your belief that the results might be inaccurate. Rest assured, the department will undertake an examination of your request. Communicate their decision within a period of 60 days. Nevertheless, prior to seeking a re-evaluation, it is crucial to review your exam results and comprehend the areas where improvement is required. Ensure that you provide the Certification Department with an explanation stating why you perceive the results as flawed. Also, please note that as per the PMP Exam Fee Refund Policy, PMP exam fees are not refundable if you fail the exam. 

About PMP Exam

PMP is a close book exam. You cannot refer to any study material during your examination.

No two candidates get the same set of questions. As a result, there is no fixed score to clear the exam.

To crack the PMP exam, you need to answer questions from these 3 domains:

  • People (42%): Focuses on the soft skills needed for leading high-functioning teams.
  • Process (50%): Focuses on the technical aspects for driving successful projects. 
  • Business Environment (8%): Focuses on aligning projects with organizational strategies and goals.

The PMP certification exam questions consist of a total of 200 MCQs. Out of these, the examiners only score 175 questions, the remaining 25 are pre-test questions that don't change your final score. To complete the exam, you get a time limit of 4 hours, thereby giving you ample time to answer each question with no rush. Additionally, there is no penalty for a wrong answer, so don't be afraid and make an attempt at every question to the best of your ability. When you do this, your chances of achieving a positive outcome in the exam grow ten folds.

The PMP exam in its new format contains 180 questions. The questions are based on the three domains of People, Process, and Business Environment. You will need to answer this in the allotted 230 minutes. If you are writing the exam online, you get to take two 10-minute break. There is no break if you attend the exam physically. The questions will be a combination of multiple choice, multiple responses, matching, hot area, and fill in the blanks. 

The PMI use subject matter experts to determine the passing score you need for the exam each year. There are no ways of knowing the exact score needed to clear the PMP exam.

Yes, you can use a non-programmable basic calculator to solve questions in the PMP exam.  

Sitting for the re-examination for the Project Management Professional certification is straightforward. You have three chances to take the PMP exam within a year of being approved. If you fail all three attempts, you will have to wait a year to try again. To reapply, go to, pay the re-examination fee, and you'll receive a new eligibility ID. Use that ID to schedule your exam. There is no required waiting period to retake the exam. Still, you need to follow these steps: apply for a re-examination, wait for your previous result to be registered (usually 3-4 business days), and book a new exam slot within the one-year eligibility period.  

You can take the PMP exam up to 3 times within 1 year from the date of your application approval. In case you fail the PMP exam thrice, you need to wait for one year from the date of your last exam to reapply.

The PMI has stopped publishing the pass rate ever since 2005. However, it’s believed the PMP pass rate is less than 70%.

The combination of dedication and intensive training from an Authorized Training Partner of PMI is the secret recipe of clearing the PMP exam at the first attempt.  

To be eligible for the PMP Certification Exam, you need to have at least three years (or 36 months) of experience managing projects. This means leading and directing different projects, not counting the same one more than once. If you worked on two separate projects for 18 months each, that totals 36 months of eligible experience. This experience must be specifically in project management, not other roles like software development or business analysis. However, you'll need five years (or 60 months) of project management experience if you don't have a bachelor's degree. Our online PMP training program comes with PMP application assistance, so you don’t have to worry about missing anything while taking the exam. 

PMP Career Opportunities

A Project Management Professional (PMP) is a certification and designation provided by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The PMP is one of the most widely recognized and respected credentials for project managers globally. It signifies a certain level of competence, knowledge, and experience in the field of project management.

Getting PMP® certified is advised as it aids project managers in advancing their careers by allowing them to apply for the best positions at the most prestigious corporations worldwide. 

To become a PMP certified Professional, your first step is to confirm your eligibility to take the PMP exam. You are required to complete 35 hours of training from an Authorized Training Partner of PMI. The PMP preparation time will depend on your background in project management. Once you are ready, you can take the exam, and clear it to get certified as a PMP Professional. 

Project managers take the lead in project planning, project execution, project monitoring, control, and closure. Project Manager responsibilities include the entire project scope including the project team, resources, budget, and the overall success of the project. 

Getting the PMP Certification can: 

  • Make you eligible for a range of attractive jobs
  • Add credibility to your project management profile
  • Prove your ability to handle complex project management roles
  • Network to find exciting project management opportunities
  • Add a coveted highlight to your project manager resume 

Top Industries Hiring Project Management Professionals in 2023:

  1. Construction
  2. Engineering 
  3. Information Technology (IT)
  4. Finance, Insurance Services
  5. Healthcare
  6. Marketing
  7. Manufacturing
  8. Law
  9. Consulting
  10. Energy and Utility Services Industry 

The Project Management Salary Survey by PMI states that PMP certification holders earn a median salary that is 25% more than those without the PMP certification. The average median salary of a project manager is $116,000. 

You can pursue other project management certificates like the PRINCE2 or Agile credentials and become a more effective project manager after attaining the PMP certification.

The PMP certification expires in three years, to maintain its validity you will need to earn 60 PDUs within the three years. 

A project management professional who has undergone PMP Certification Training is responsible for managing teams, timelines, technology, and performance. They are also responsible for leading the team and encouraging collaboration and trust. This includes understanding the team functions, structuring them efficiently, and communicating program progress and expectations in a timely manner. They also use technology to enhance workstream transparency, share information, synthesise data, and alert internal and external stakeholders to programmatic updates. Additionally, they track and measure the performance of the project to meet its goals. This includes understanding the key performance indicators' value and interpreting the data to share what it may mean.

This is why it’s absolutely essential to enroll in the best PMP certification training possible, so that the training you receive is up to date, relevant, as thorough as can be, and one that prepares you for the exam. Only then will you become a well-rounded, in-demand project manager.

The PMP certification is highly valued in India, and project managers who hold this Certification can expect a salary range of INR 7.2 lakhs to INR 36 lakhs, with an average annual salary of INR 16.5 lakhs. It's important to note that these figures represent the general salary range, and actual salaries may vary depending on factors such as experience, industry, and location. Nevertheless, obtaining a PMP certification can greatly enhance a project manager's earning potential, as it demonstrates their expertise and ability to manage complex projects successfully. This Certification serves as a valuable asset in the competitive job market in India, which is a reason why there’s no dearth of PMP training courses in the country. 

A project management professional, following the PMBOK® guide, has distinct responsibilities and duties across various project phases. In the first phase, initiation, they define the project scope, goals, and stakeholders and create a project charter outlining objectives and deliverables. In planning, they develop a work breakdown structure, estimate costs and schedules, and identify and mitigate risks. In the execution phase, the project manager leads the team, ensures progress, communicates with stakeholders, and manages changes. Monitoring and controlling involves tracking progress, problem identification, and necessary adjustments. Finally, in the closing phase, the project manager archives records, acknowledges achievements, and learns from mistakes. These core responsibilities form the foundation of effective project management practices, which you will learn in any well-rounded, reputed PMP Certification program.

PMP Workshop Experience

The PMP Training is offered as a blended training program which consists of both live instructor-led training and self-paced learning sessions.

KnowledgeHut delivers an immersive learning experience through PRISM, our Learning Experience Platform. 

Our PMP instructors are professionals who have extensive experience in training PMP programs as well as experience managing real projects.

Our trainers provide training that goes beyond just being compliant to PMI requirements by helping learners understand how to apply the learning and principles outlined in the PMP course in real-world environments.

The Software Requirements for this course would include access to an internet browser and MS Word or similar application. Apart from this you will need a workstation or laptop with Windows or a comparable environment with high-speed Internet. 

You can join the class through a link you will receive in your email. 

You will be able to access the class recordings from our learning platform. Additionally, each class starts with a summary of what was covered in the previous session. 

Our support teams are available in case you have doubts or questions. You can reach them through PRISM or through the workshop manager or on the group messenger. 

Obtaining your PMP certificate is an essential part of getting a PMP certification. To download your latest PMP certificate, just follow these easy steps. Start by going to and logging into your account. Once you're logged in, look for your ‘username icon’ in the top right corner and click on it. From the drop-down menu, choose ‘Certification’. Scroll down until you see Your Certificates, and there you'll find the PMP section. Click on View Certificate. The newest version of your PMP certificate will appear. Finally, hit the Download button to save it to your device. By following these simple instructions, you'll have your updated PMP certificate ready for your professional endeavours.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

KnowledgeHut’s PMP training course provides you with a tried and tested learning path guaranteed for PMP Exam success—that is meticulously honed over the past decade, incorporating feedback after feedback from batch after batch—in close collaboration with our Industry Advisory Board.

It’s just what you need to prepare for your PMP exam with the utmost confidence. We are so confident in this program that we offer you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

All you need to do is to ensure that you:

If you don’t pass the exam after having fulfilled these criteria, just send us a refund request on and we’ll refund 100% of your payment.