For Corporates

Why should you go for a CSPO certification?

Take your Agile team to new heights with Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®) training. Gain the skills to deliver high-value releases and maximize ROI through an immersive, hands-on learning experience. Join expert Scrum Alliance-Certified Trainers for a dynamic course filled with role-plays, activities, simulations, and real-world case studies.

Learn in fun, interactive sessions by CSTs experienced across industries along with peers from all over the world. Say goodbye to boring lectures and death by PowerPoint and hello to a world of fun and exciting learning.  


The industry today is ripe with endless opportunities for Product Owners. With 90% of modern teams using Scrum, the demand for Certified Scrum Product Owners has seen a steep rise. Their presence on an Agile team is guaranteed to ensure early ROI while maximizing business value. 

The Scrum Product Owner Certification from the globally renowned Scrum Alliance endorses and validates your Scrum expertise while enabling you to take on the Product Owner role and responsibilities with dexterity, as you lead successful projects and ensure high-velocity releases of marketable products.

Individual benefits
Organizational Benefits

Process to Become a Certified Scrum Product Owner


  • LEARN in lively, interactive sessions by CSTs

    Identify a credible training provider that is a Registered Education Ally (REA) of Scrum Alliance and get trained by experienced CSTs in fun and engaging instructor-led sessions.
  • STUDY with a Scrum Alliance-Approved Curriculum

    Study with a curriculum crafted by professionals licensed by Scrum Alliance. Go from beginner to expert in Scrum, starting with the Scrum basics and roles and responsibilities, and go on to product vision, estimation, product backlog, prioritization, release management, and sprints.

  • PRACTICE with Case Studies, Role-Plays, and Scrum Activities

    Put the concepts learned in our experiential workshops to practice with real-life case studies and role-play exercises. Clear all your doubts with mentors in weekly Scrum enablement sessions, essential to your success in applying Scrum to your way of working.

  • GET CERTIFIED as a Scrum Alliance Certified Product Owner

    After completing the course, the Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) will update your details on the Scrum Alliance website. Scrum Alliance will then send you a welcome email, asking you to log in to your Scrum Alliance account and accept your CSPO license. Login through this link to reset your Login credentials and accept your license. Download your CSPO certificate by accepting your license. You are now a Certified Scrum Product Owner!


1. Product Owner skills

Understand the core concepts of Scrum, Scrum flow, etc. and enhance your skills as a Product Owner

2. Lead Agile teams

Understand the scope of Product Owner and Scrum Master and lead, motivate Agile teams and team members.

3. Facilitate communication

Facilitate transparent, smooth communication channels between the stakeholders and the Scrum team

4. Implement Scrum functionality

Learn how to improve on the implementation of Scrum functionality like Sprint.

5. Plan better

Learn how one can create practical efficiency-oriented plans and schedules and work better.

6. Manage risks

Learn about methods to mitigate risks through predictive pre-planning.

7. Improve ROI

Learn ways and methods to improve business value and ROI and how to implement them.

8. Faster delivery

Learn ways to ensure maximum high-velocity within time and budget frames.

9. Scope of the Product Owner role

Understand and learn Scrum foundations and the role of the Product Owner on a high-performing team

9. Scope of the Product Owner role

Understand and learn Scrum foundations and the role of the Product Owner on a high-performing team

1. Product Owner skills

Understand the core concepts of Scrum, Scrum flow, etc. and enhance your skills as a Product Owner

2. Lead Agile teams

Understand the scope of Product Owner and Scrum Master and lead, motivate Agile teams and team members.

3. Facilitate communication

Facilitate transparent, smooth communication channels between the stakeholders and the Scrum team

4. Implement Scrum functionality

Learn how to improve on the implementation of Scrum functionality like Sprint.

5. Plan better

Learn how one can create practical efficiency-oriented plans and schedules and work better.

6. Manage risks

Learn about methods to mitigate risks through predictive pre-planning.

7. Improve ROI

Learn ways and methods to improve business value and ROI and how to implement them.

8. Faster delivery

Learn ways to ensure maximum high-velocity within time and budget frames.

9. Scope of the Product Owner role

Understand and learn Scrum foundations and the role of the Product Owner on a high-performing team

1. Product Owner skills

Understand the core concepts of Scrum, Scrum flow, etc. and enhance your skills as a Product Owner