TOGAF® Practice Test

  • 12,000+ Successful Candidates
  • 100+ TOGAF Practice Questions
  • Covers all TOGAF Concepts
  • Designed by Expert

A Quick overview of TOGAF®

TOGAF® is a developmental method used by enterprises to plan and design their IT architecture which offers a high-level framework for enterprise software development. TOGAF is used to help organizations design an IT infrastructure that is adapted to meet their requirements. Today employers want IT professionals with architecture skills and having a TOGAF certification in such areas will be an added advantage in the hiring process. Attending this TOGAF practice test will definitely help you to earn TOGAF certification. TOGAF is a registered trademark of The Open Group.

According to Reynolds, TOGAF is regularly at the top of the most in-demand skills in Foote Partners’ quarterly pay-review reports, with an above-average pay premium for IT professionals with an understanding of the framework: “There’s simply not enough architecture talent, and so pay premiums are an interim solution to get and keep people with the skills.

Benefits of the TOGAF Certification

Practice Test Series

What is the eligibility for TOGAF ?

Anyone interested to become a TOGAF certified professional can take up this TOGAF mock test.

The Mock Exam Pattern of TOGAF

The TOGAF sample questions are divided into 4 series with 25 questions each series. These TOGAF practice exams are free and each series designed by a team of experts. The TOGAF mock test includes MCQ’s with complete solutions to all the questions for free covering a complete course syllabus. You can practice this online Togaf practice questions many times to have a grip on the subject.

Why knowledgehut?

The uniqueness of the TOGAF practice exam of KnowledgeHut is that

KnowledgeHut’s TOGAF practice test online will give you really the practical exposure of the real exam
10,000+ professionals have registered so far
Once you hit the ‘submit test’ button you will find a result page with logical explanations
The TOGAF practice questions are widely recommended by professionals
TOGAF practice questions and answers will help you to identify your lagging area, which will help you to focus on your weak areas.
One of the key factors that will bring you success is taking up this TOGAF mock test many times before you sit for the real exam

The most important TOGAF exam preparation activity is to answer as many sample questions as possible you can. To help you, we have developed this free TOGAF sample test.

Steps to earn TOGAF Certification

Start reading the TOGAF 9.1 framework and you can also download the framework from The Open Group’s website

Take a look at the TOGAF 9.1 study guide. You will find many several effective guides available in both electronic and physical formats

Start collecting different study guide from resources available online

Book your exam. Find the Prometric’s website,  register and find a local test center