PMI-RMP Practice Test

  • Covers all RMP concepts
  • 100+ RMP practice questions
  • Designed by experts
  • Become a top-placed candidate in the market

A Quick overview of Project Risk Management Professional Certification

Project Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) Certification, offered by the Project Management Institute  (PMI), arms you with the skills in Project Risk Management, ones which are required to take care of the requirements of an increasingly global, virtual, and complex project environment. Following the PMBOK Guide, Project Risk Management professionals strive to improve the overall success rate of projects by applying a regulated and emerging set of project management principles, one of which is the risk management system. They make project management effective by utilising risk management tools to take appropriate measures to particular project risk and fulfil their goals.

Project Risk Management (PRM) involves managing the voluntary engagement of the employees of a particular project team ones in using the Project Risk Management system so that the project’s primary aim is accomplished. The Project Risk Management system should be utilised to track down all the processes, their occurrences in the project along with the situations that lead to risks and get them sorted out as well. The Big Data (BD) analysis is presently the most effective method to create knowledge from the data collected from different sources in production processes.

Jarosław Górecki states BD analysis as the fitting tool for Project Risk Management(PRM).

Eighty-three percent of organizations that are high performers in project management practise risk management frequently while just 49 per cent of low performers do so." Sources: PMI

Benefits of the PMI Risk Management Professional Certification

Practice Test Series

The Mock Exam Pattern of PMI-RMP® Certification

The PMI-RMP® mock-exam is split into 4 series with 25 questions each series. The PMI-RMP® sample questions are designed by a team of experts. The sample test is free and each series is designed perfectly covering all the MCQ and answers covering a complete course syllabus. The online self-assessment exam can be practised many times to get a good grip on your knowledge on Scrum.

Start finding the basic requirements of the Certified PMI-RMP® exam today. You can refer to the preparation guide for the Certified PMI-RMP® test. Get started with KnowledgeHut’s free exam papers. 

PMI is the most renowned accredited bodies for PMI-RMP® courses. This organisation plays a major role in supporting the worldwide adoption and implementing an effective practice of PMI-RMP®. The Certificate indicates that you are professional, knowledgeable, skilled to implement the project risk management concepts in the organization effectively.

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What is the eligibility criteria to attend the practice test?

Anyone who is interested to become a Project Risk Management Professional, or lead a Project management team, he or she can attend the PMI-RMP® practice test online. Additionally, there are no prerequisites for attending the course itself. However, before sitting for the PMI’s online PMI-RMP® test, the candidate must have one of the following qualifications:

A minimum of 4500 hours of professional project risk management experience within the last five years and 40 hours of project risk management education if you hold a high school diploma or equivalent


3000 hours of professional project risk management experience within the last five years and 30 hours of project management education if you hold a bachelor’s degree or above.

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Why enroll for KnowledgeHut’s Certified PMI-RMP® practice test?

How our practice test of PMI-RMP® differs from others

It will produce a result page as soon as you hit the ‘submit test’ button. This result includes answers with logical reasoning to all the Certified PMI-RMP® exam questions.
The result with answers and logical reasoning to wrong answers will help you find out the areas that you lag in, doing which will help you focus on those weak areas specifically.
The PMI-RMP® practice test consists of real exam-centric questions to familiarise you with the real-time exam environment.
The practice tests can be attended multiple times.
Every question is explained with logical reasoning.
10,000+ professionals have registered so far.

Enjoy the free online exam. Each section with 25 questions is constructed in a way so that you will not miss a single concept from the PMI-RMP® preparation guide. So, what are you waiting for? Click on ‘Start Test’ button to attempt the Certified PMI-RMP® mock exam now.