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For Corporate and in-house training

Drive a Smoother Development with DevOps

Learn through this intermediate course level how to build a CI/CD pipeline using popular tools such as Git, Maven for Continuous Development, Junit/Selenium for Continuous Testing, Ansible for Continuous Deployment of Infra, Docker and Docker Swarm for Continuous Deployment of Applications and Nagios for Continuous Monitoring.

Through interactive trainer led sessions in this DevOps Certification training you will understand the practical aspects of working with the DevOps process. You will also get to learn from DevOps practitioners about the real-world challenges you may face and how to address them.


32 Hours of Live, Interactive, Trainer-Led Sessions 

Get Mentored by Experts with Industry Experience  

Gain the Skills to Become an Effective DevOps Architect 

Use Tools like Jenkins, Maven, Selenium, Ansible and More 

Implement Continuous Build and Continuous Integration 

Use Git to Manage Source Code and Perform Version Control 

DevOps Professionals are in Demand

DevOps 1

Most organizations today are undergoing an enterprise-level transformation by adopting DevOps. Upskill your DevOps skills by participating in this hands-on workshop and assist your organization in developing seamless operations between the Development and IT Operations teams. Learn to ensure enterprise-level success in your project delivery.


Create reliable workflows and implement process automation. Eliminate departmental silos and improve the speed and quality of software delivery at reduced operational costs. Enable teams to release more frequently and confidently through implementing a DevOps approach.

The KnowledgeHut Edge

Instructor-Led Training

Interact and engage with DevOps instructors with industry experience in live sessions. Learn through engaging classes! 

Updated Curriculum

Empower yourself and stay relevant with the latest courseware updated according to advanced DevOps practices. 

Case Studies

Get practical case studies based on real-world experiences. Understand concepts through relatable examples.  

Industry Experts

Learn from the best in the industry. Work with coaches who are experienced professionals in their fields. 

Applicable Skills

Learn concepts and practices in a hands-on manner that can be readily applied in real-world situations. 

Detailed Feedback

Get detailed reviews and feedback on your learning and understanding from experts in the DevOps space. 

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